Four New Titles are Ready to Play for Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers


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Apr 27, 2023

Four New Titles are Ready to Play for Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers

Home » News It’s always wonderful to see Nintendo deliver a little more bang for

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It's always wonderful to see Nintendo deliver a little more bang for the money spent for their subscription service and the latest four titles look to be aiming to deliver. This time around we have four titles across three platforms with no requirements for the expansion pass to give them a play. First up for the NES is Mystery Tower, which is perhaps the most interesting one of the lot if just for the name change alone. This title was originally known as Tower of Babel in Japanese, but appears to have been renamed. It's unknown the reasoning, but given this title was not originally ever released in the west, it's a wonderful inclusion nonetheless. Next up is perhaps the most exciting as those wanting to get their hands on the original SNES version of Harvest Moon need look no further as it's finally here after being teased by its inclusion on the Japanese version of NSO. Players can farm to their content and see just where the well-beloved series now known as Story of Seasons in the west got its debut.

For the Game Boy we’ve gotten two brand new titles with the first being Blaster Master: Enemy Below. This title continues the trend of making the Nintendo Switch one of the best platforms to enjoy old and new Blaster Master titles alike as we now have all three of the latest and two of the older ones easily accessible. It helps that Enemy Below has some of the most delightfully simplistic yet detailed sprite work of any Game Boy title, making it great to look at while still being a brand new challenging adventure for players to take on.

Finally the last revealed title is none other than Kirby's Tilt ‘n’ Tumble. This title originally came with a specialized cartridge that allowed for the in-game motion controls, making it unique for the time. Fortunately those who are wondering how that’ll be handled here can rest assured that's kept in tact with the ability to use the Switch's controller motion controls included with both Joy-Con and Pro Controllers to enjoy this title exactly how it was meant to be played. Enjoy Kirby's Tilt ‘n’ Tumble in a whole new way while still getting that classic motion control experience. This is perhaps one of the greatest assortments we’ve seen in quite some time released on NSO and a much welcome addition to the subscription service.

For more detailed looks at all of these, check out the launch trailer below: