Tactics Ogre: Reborn details unit development, charms, battle updates, balance adjustments, shop improvements, classes, and characters


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Jul 13, 2023

Tactics Ogre: Reborn details unit development, charms, battle updates, balance adjustments, shop improvements, classes, and characters

Square Enix [5,150 articles]"

Square Enix [5,150 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/companies/square-enix">Square Enix has released new information and screenshots for Strategy RPG [225 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/rpg/strategy-rpg">strategy RPG remaster Tactics Ogre: Reborn [11 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/games/tactics-ogre-reborn">Tactics Ogre: Reborn, which introduces the game's simpler and reimagined unit development, new item "charms," new battle party screen features, seven major battle-related updates, general balance adjustments, shop improvements, classes, and characters.

Get the details below.

■ About

Tactics Ogre: Reborn takes the best aspects of the original Tactics Ogre and Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and incorporates new elements, redesigning the battle system to create a modern game with a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

In this update, we explore changes to the battle system, focusing on changes to units, combat, and shops. We’ll also introduce some of the classes, as well as a selection of characters who play an important part in the story.

■ Simpler, Reimagined Unit Development

New Equipment Requirements Improve Usability

In Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, there were requirements for using equipment such as weapons and armor, consumables such as HP recovery items, and magic. For example, some types of equipment had level restrictions, while others required separate specialty skills to equip.

In Tactics Ogre: Reborn, you can equip and use anything as soon as you find it. However, there are still certain class restrictions for equipment and magic. For example, a knight cannot equip a bow, a cleric cannot equip attack spells, and so on.

Each unit has seven equipment slots for weapons and armor, four slots for consumables, and four slots for magic. Deciding what combination of gear and abilities to bring into battle is more satisfying and fun than ever!

Skill Rules Have Been Revamped, Making Strategizing More Fun!

As units gain levels, they acquire special abilities or "skills" they can use, giving each class its own distinct play style in battle. As with consumables and magic, each unit can equip up to four skills, so you’ll have to put thought into the specific combination of skills you want to take into battle.

We’ve also added new skills, and retuned the effects of others to further broaden the range of possible strategies, while maintaining the unique feel of each class. For example, if you attack an enemy standing between your own units, the new Pincer Attack skill will trigger, causing the ally behind the enemy to make an additional attack.

Finishing Moves, Ninjutsu, and War Dances Have All Been Updated!

Units can learn powerful finishing moves by meeting certain requirements. In Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, finishing moves, ninjutsu, and war dances required the accumulation and use of Technical Points (TP) and sometimes certain reagents as well. Now all these abilities simply require Magic Points (MP), just like magic. With these abilities unified to using MP, it's much simpler to assess the status of units during battle, and easier to construct a strategy.

■ New Item: Charms

Charms Let You Develop a Unit's Stats the Way You Want!

Charms are new items introduced to give you more control over the development of your units’ stats. You can use charms on the party formation screen to improve and alter your units. Charms can be found during battle, and after battle as a reward.

Charm Effects:

—Charms allow you to customize your units exactly how you want them, without having to spend time grinding levels.

■ New Battle Party [33 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/party">Party Screen Features

The battle party screen, used to select and prepare units before sending them into battle, has also gained new features that make assembling your battle party easier than ever. Here, we will introduce two of these features.

The Scout Command Allows You to Gather Information on the Enemy Before Entering Battle!

By selecting Scout on the battle party screen, you can gain insight into the terrain and enemy forces (location, level, class, equipment, etc.). Since you can change your units’ classes and equipment on the battle party screen, you can use the information gained to assemble the best party possible.

You Can Now Save Up to Five Different Battle Parties!

By having a variety of battle parties prepared for various situations—such as the number of enemy units or enemy class composition—you can quickly select the optimal party based on information obtained by scouting before battle.

■ Seven Major Battle-Related Updates

1. Turn the Tables with Buff Cards

During battle, items called buff cards appear on the battlefield. When a unit picks up a buff card it gains bonuses that last for the rest of the battle, such as increased attack power or critical chance. The bonus gained depends on the type of card found. Your units must vie against the enemy to obtain these buff cards, and how you move and respond in combat to gain the advantage they provide is a thrilling aspect of battle unique to this title.

A unit can have the effects of up to four buff cards at once, and the more buff cards with similar effects are stacked, the greater the effect, dynamically changing the shape of the battle as units acquire more cards.

2. All-New Enemy AI Adapts to Each Situation—Battles Never Get Old!

The enemy considers the terrain, recognizing features such as narrow roads and wide, open plains, as well as the player's movement, using this information to decide where the battlefront is and choose the best point to engage the player. In addition, how the enemy responds to the buff cards that appear at random creates an ever-changing battle that never feels repetitive.

3. Get Additional Rewards for Completing Bonus Objectives!

In addition to the normal battle victory conditions, each battle also has a new bonus objective. Players will be presented with a goal such as "win with a knight in the battle party" or "obtain a buff card," and if they complete the objective, they will receive items such as charms and equipment to strengthen their forces. Take on this extra challenge if you feel like testing your abilities!

4. It's Not Just the Enemy—Your Units Have upgraded AI, Too!

If you want to let the computer control your units, you have four different AI settings to choose from: Fierce Attacker, Stalwart Defender, Distant Striker, and Ardent Mender. You can also quickly toggle between manual and AI control for all your units at once from the battle party screen or during battle!

5. Trajectory Prediction Eliminates Costly Mistakes!

When firing weapons like bows and crossbows, or casting spells that launch a projectile—such as Deadshot—you can display trajectory prediction to make sure that the attacker can hit the target without misfiring on their own troops.

6. Reviving Incapacitated Units

When enemy attacks reduce a unit's HP to zero, it is "Incapacitated." A countdown is displayed above the Incapacitated unit, and the unit can be revived with consumables or magic before the countdown reaches 0. Revived units can act immediately after being raised, allowing them to move, recover HP, or take other Action [1,132 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/action">actions to regain their footing.

Units can be revived any number of times, as long as the countdown never reaches 0. If the countdown does reach 0, the unit is "Deceased" and cannot be revived again.

7. Level Up Your Units with Training Battles!

The random encounters that occurred when moving on the world map have been removed. Instead, you can now engage in training battles at specific locations whenever you like. Units cannot be killed in training battles, making the leveling process much easier.

■ Other General Balance Adjustments

The following are some of the other balance adjustments we’ve made, using Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together as the starting point.

Adjustments to Enemy Forces

Adjustments were made to the stats, equipment, and skills of each unit, as well as their positions on the battlefield. T

Addition of the Party Level

The party level is the level of your army as a whole, which serves as a level cap for individual units. The party level cap rises gradually as players advance through the story, preventing players from grinding to arbitrarily high levels to brute force their way through battles. The introduction of the party level makes the use of each unit more important, better emphasizing the tactical nature of the game.

Since the party level is set slightly higher than the level of enemy units, it should no longer feel as if the difficulty jumps sharply after leveling up. Players can easily raise their units’ levels through training battles and charms, so even first-time players should find the game approachable.

Adjustments to Classes, Equipment, Consumables, Magic, Skills, Finishing Moves, and Debuffs

We’ve optimized equipment, consumables, magic, skills, finishing moves, and debuffs as part of the AI update and with the goal of making the flow of battle simpler and easier to understand. Stats and ability activation requirements have been adjusted, and there have been additions and removals in all these categories where appropriate. The rogue class is also reserved for enemy units now.

■ Make the Most of Valeria's Shops!

Shops, which are essential to progressing through the game's battles, have been improved to provide a smoother experience, allowing players to easily buy and sell equipment, consumables, magic, and other items, as well as hire new units.

Improved UI Keeps Useful Information at Your Fingertips!

When buying or selling equipment, you can quickly check information such as the current number of items in your inventory and which units have them equipped.

Crafting [5 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/crafting">Crafting SUCCESS Corporation [78 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/companies/success-corporation">Success Rate is 100%

Crafting, which enhances the performance of equipment and consumables, now succeeds 100% of the time, eliminating wasted ingredients and the need to redo failed attempts. In addition, a convenient function to craft multiple items at once has been added.

■ Class Introductions

A class is a unit's profession, each with different characteristics. A "classmark," which can be obtained from shops and through battles, is required to change classes. Here are a few of the classes that appear in the game.


A mainstay melee fighter adept with a wide variety of weapons. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. Warriors are by no means flashy but can equip a wide range of weapons and armor, playing an active role on the front lines in the early game.


A ranged attacker adept with a bow and arrow, capable of taking down enemies from a distance. Archers use bows and crossbows to chip away at enemy health from the high ground. An indispensable support class on the battlefield.


A back-line support class that wields a wide variety of magic, from offensive damage spells to debuffs. Wizards play a vital role in the early game, showing their true worth in the hardest-fought battles.


A back-line support class that mainly casts spells to restore HP and cure various ailments. Clerics are mainstay healers who remain indispensable to the battle party even into the late game.

Rune Fencer / Valkyrie

A well-rounded caster of attack and healing spells who is also adept at sword and spear-play. This balanced class can attack aggressively in the front lines or support with spells from the rear.


An excellent frontline class that uses its high defense and a smattering of healing spells to protect the battle party. Knights are indispensable units that serve as a bulwark against the enemy's advance.


Entirely unconcerned with their own safety, berserkers charge into the front lines to assail their enemies with weapons bared. Berserkers boast devastating attacks, making them a valuable part of the battle party. However, they themselves have relatively weak defenses and are easily damaged.

Terror Knight

The howls of tormented spirits can be heard with every step of the terror knight's boots. Skilled in weakening enemy attacks and defense. Like the knight, terror knights take advantage of their high defensive capabilities to shield the battle party while engaging the enemy on the front lines.

Ninja / Kunoichi

A nimble class that utilizes its mobility to quickly deploy its power wherever needed, whether on the front lines or in the rear. Men are called ninja, while women are called kunoichi. The ninjutsu spells they wield manipulate various spirits to unleash punishing attacks on even distant enemies.

■ Character Introductions

This time, we introduce characters who have traveled from abroad to reach the Valerian Isles, a land shaken by civil war. Some are wanderers from the great Kingdom of New Xenobia, while others are members of the Dark Knights Loslorien, warriors sent to aid the Bakram-Valerian Kingdom after its leader, Regent Brantyn Morne, forged a secret treaty with the Holy Lodissian Empire.

Lanselot Hamilton (voiced by Ben Prendergast in English, Shuuhei Sakaguchi in Japanese)

"Risking your life is one thing. Losing it is another."

Xenobian, 38 years old, born on the 6th of Twinscale.

Born in the city of Valna in Charlom. Formerly captained the Holy Knights of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. He was stripped of his status and banished by King Tristan for the misconduct of his knights. He encounters Denam while roaming the lands with a small band of fellow knights seeking mercenary work.

Warren Omon (voiced by Alastair Duncan in English, Takaya Hashi in Japanese)

"I, too, have heard tell of this diviner, but I am not he."

Xenobian, 63 years old, born on the 19th of Flamescale.

Once led the Mages Regiment of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. He is more a prophet than a teller of fortunes. Like Lanselot, he was banished from Xenobia for misconduct.

Canophus Wolph (voiced by Chris Cox in English, Yuichi Nakamura in Japanese)

"I am Canopus. Step forward and meet your fate, dogs!"

Xenobian, 48 years old, born on the 5th of Darkscale.

One of the winged folk, from the city of Peshaval in Charlom. Once captained the Beast Legion of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. Like Lanselot, he was banished from Xenobia for misconduct. He appears young in years, as the winged live to thrice the age of men. He can turn the very winds against his foes, earning him the name "Wind Caller."

Mirdyn Walhorn (voiced by Andre Sogliuzzo in English, Keiichi Nakagawa in Japanese)

"There was little you could do."

Xenobian, 28 years old, born on the 9th of Windscale.

Born in the Dalmuhd city of Konsh. Once served with the Holy Knights of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. He is a man of few words. Womenfolk hoping to be wooed by the handsome warrior are left disappointed, as he can manage little more than a smile. Gildas and Mirdyn are as chalk and cheese.

Gildas W. Byrne (voiced by Adam Croasdell in English, Masayuki Aka [2 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/games/aka">Akasaka in Japanese)

"We’re outlaws. No place waiting for us back home, neh?"

Xenobian, 32 years old, born on the 4th of Firescale.

Born in the Hyland city of Xandu. Once served with the Holy Knights of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. A lover of drink and women, chivalry is not his strong point. However, he is also a dependable comrade who fights with great skill. Gildas and Mirdyn are followers of Lanselot, who was banished from Xenobia.

Iuria Wolph (voiced by Erine Yvette in English, Nao Touyama in Japanese)

Xenobian, 18 years old.

From the city of Peshaval in Charlom. She is sister to Canopus. A songstress of renown, her voice is said to soothe the hearts of all who hear it. Winged womenfolk are seldom seen in public, but Iuria seems fond of attention.

Deneb Rove (voiced by Cat Taber in English, Fumi Hirano in Japanese)

"Oooh, you’re cute when you’re angry!"

Xenobian, age unknown.

A woman of unknown origin. Once served with the Mages Regiment of the Kingdom of New Xenobia. She was a principal architect of the kingdom's establishment. Her thirst for arcane knowledge is boundless, and she has come to Valeria to gather funds to further her studies. She is also remarkably fond of pumpkins.

Lanselot Tartaros (voiced by Jason Kennet in English, Satoshi Mikami in Japanese)

"They think that only from without the castle walls may one voice discontent. Not realizing that the quickest way to the throne is a knife to the king's ribs."

Lodissian, 38 years old, born on the 22nd of Earthscale.

High champion of the Dark Knights Loslorien. He was sent to Valeria when a secret treaty was forged between the Holy Lodissian Empire and the Bakram leader Brantyn Morne. The Dark Knights report directly to High Priest Sardian, ruler of the Holy Lodissian Empire, and Lanselot is thought to be his top lieutenant.

Balxephon V. Rahms (voiced by Keythe Farley in English, Kenyu Horiuchi in Japanese)

"The whelp has grown. Let's see how much!"

Lodissian, 40 years old.

Second-in-command of the Dark Knights Loslorien, hailing from Galius, seat of the Holy Lodissian Empire. He is the son of Stratarchis Vogras, who commanded five of the orders of knighthood in Lodis. Loslorien enjoys independence from the Senate thanks to the influence of Vogras.

Volaq Windsalf (voiced by Chris Cox in English, Kousuke Gotou in Japanese)

"Do you not trust us, Lord Regent? That would be most unfortunate."

35 years old.

A Loslorien commander, and member of their most elite strike force. Little is known of his past, or how he came to join the Dark Knights. His loyalty to Lodis is unquestionable, and he has earned a great deal of respect from those serving under him.

A career soldier, he never lets personal matters interfere with his duties.

Martym Noumous (voiced by Sean Kenin in English, Fuminori Komatsu in Japanese)

"As imprudent as you are impudent. I’ll dress you like a holiday goose, hedge knight!"

Lodissian, 30 years old, born on the 20th of Seascale.

A Loslorien commander from Galius, seat of the Holy Lodissian Empire, and member of their most elite strike force. He is known for his cunning swordplay. He will stop at nothing to achieve victory, living by the motto, "It always comes to blood." Though his words lack grace, he wields a blade with great finesse.

Barbas Dahd Geuse (voiced by Jason Charles Miller in English, Hiroki Yasumoto in Japanese)

"You want to kill us. I see it in your eyes. Put down your words, and take up your sword."

Lodissian, 34 years old, born on the 17th of Blackscale.

A Loslorien commander hailing from Bomouth on the borderlands of Lodis, and member of their most elite strike force. He is a giant of a man, and the most bloodthirsty of the seven Loslorien commanders. He was put on trial for beating a superior to death, but was saved from execution by Lanselot Tartaros.

Oz Moh Glacius (voiced by Nicolas Roye in English, Showtaro Morikubo in Japanese)

"You squabble over Valeria like beggars over scraps. The sooner she is rid of you, the better!"

Lodissian, 27 years old, born on the 1st of Shadowscale.

A Loslorien commander from Galius, seat of the Holy Lodissian Empire, member of their most elite strike force, and twin brother to Dame Ozma. He is an expert swordsman, receiving top honors from the Xanam Officer's Academy. After serving as commander of three regiments of the Ganan Division for a number of years, he was assigned to the Dark Knights. His sadistic nature is evident in his actions on the field of battle and in his questioning of prisoners.

Ozma Moh Glacius (voiced by Elle Newlands in English, Mie Sonozaki in Japanese)

"Brute force, is that all you understand? Perhaps it's time I versed you in the higher arts."

Lodissian, 27 years old, born on the 1st of Shadowscale.

A Loslorien commander from Galius, seat of the Holy Lodissian Empire. She is of the noble House Glacius, renowned for their founding role in the Galius Guild of Magi, ministers of magic in Lodis. Twin sister to the Dark Knight Oz, she wields both spell and blade with equal skill.

Andoras Gaffryn (voiced by Darin De Paul in English, Masaki Aizawa in Japanese)

"You may find her a somewhat… unwilling companion. Ha ha!"

Lodissian, 32 years old.

A Loslorien commander from Niemaran, a small town in the borderlands of Lodis. He is last born of the former Nildahme royal house, which once wielded great power throughout the Sea of Lhai region. He prefers hand-to-hand combat to swordplay, and is a masterful strategist.

■ Staff

Tactics Ogre: Reborn is due out for PS5 [4,903 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/playstation/ps5">PlayStation 5, PS4 [25,210 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/playstation/ps4">PlayStation 4, Switch [13,590 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/nintendo/switch">Switch, and PC [17,614 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/pc">PC via Steam on November 11. Read more about the game here and here.

View the screenshots at the gallery.

■ About ■ Simpler, Reimagined Unit Development New Equipment Requirements Improve Usability Skill Rules Have Been Revamped, Making Strategizing More Fun! Finishing Moves, Ninjutsu, and War Dances Have All Been Updated! ■ New Item: Charms Charms Let You Develop a Unit's Stats the Way You Want! ■ New Battle Party [33 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/party">Party Screen Features The Scout Command Allows You to Gather Information on the Enemy Before Entering Battle! You Can Now Save Up to Five Different Battle Parties! ■ Seven Major Battle-Related Updates 1. Turn the Tables with Buff Cards 2. All-New Enemy AI Adapts to Each Situation—Battles Never Get Old! 3. Get Additional Rewards for Completing Bonus Objectives! 4. It's Not Just the Enemy—Your Units Have upgraded AI, Too! 5. Trajectory Prediction Eliminates Costly Mistakes! 6. Reviving Incapacitated Units 7. Level Up Your Units with Training Battles! ■ Other General Balance Adjustments Adjustments to Enemy Forces Addition of the Party Level Adjustments to Classes, Equipment, Consumables, Magic, Skills, Finishing Moves, and Debuffs ■ Make the Most of Valeria's Shops! Improved UI Keeps Useful Information at Your Fingertips! Crafting [5 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/genres/crafting">Crafting SUCCESS Corporation [78 articles]" href="https://www.gematsu.com/companies/success-corporation">Success Rate is 100% ■ Class Introductions Warrior Archer Wizard Cleric Rune Fencer / Valkyrie Knight Berserker Terror Knight Ninja / Kunoichi ■ Character Introductions Lanselot Hamilton Warren Omon Canophus Wolph Mirdyn Walhorn Gildas W. Byrne Iuria Wolph Deneb Rove Lanselot Tartaros Balxephon V. Rahms Volaq Windsalf Martym Noumous Barbas Dahd Geuse Oz Moh Glacius Ozma Moh Glacius Andoras Gaffryn ■ Staff Producer: Director: Game Design Director, Story Writer, and Supervisor: Lead Game Designer: Lead Event Designer: Lead Menu System and World Designer: Character Design: Composer: Sound Director: Supervisor: