How EVs with Bidirectional Charging Can Offset High Energy Costs


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Oct 01, 2023

How EVs with Bidirectional Charging Can Offset High Energy Costs

Like soldiers in an electron battlefield, EVs en masse are great for storing

Like soldiers in an electron battlefield, EVs en masse are great for storing renewable electricity and sending it back to the grid during peak demand.

Paul Kershaw's Nissan Leaf electric vehicle charging outside his home near Cambridge, UK, on Aug. 15.

Kyle Stock

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Paul Kershaw is not a God — that would be his dog, "God" — but he does harness the power of the wind and sun.

Every morning at his home near Cambridge in the UK, Kershaw charges up his Nissan Leaf, in part from the 12 turbines at the Red Tile Wind Farm a few miles west and the Ryston Solar Farm a few miles north. Every evening, Kershaw then unleashes that same power to his neighbors, right when they need it most. The 51-year-old, who is retired on disability, only drives his car on occasion — mainly when it's time to take God on a scenic walk.